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「漫威×迪士尼」IP集结!Hot Toys西南首展限时打卡
2022-12-08 Publish 

环贸ICD  X  HotToys 西南首展,震撼开展

漫威&迪士尼梦幻联动,热门IP悉数登场,钢铁侠, 蜘蛛侠, 草莓熊 , 巴斯光年 , 三眼仔全球圈粉无数的五个经典潮玩IP燃力集结,与大家见面。



活动时间: 2022.12.2-2023.2.14

活动地点:L1东中庭, L3中庭 ,B2商场-地铁出入口







来环贸ICD 体验不一样的沉浸潮玩吧



The information in this website is for reference only and is not intended nor should be construed as investment advice. Sun Hung Kai Properties and Long Global Investment(Chengdu) Limited does not warrant or represent that the information provided here is complete and accurate, or that the information is up to date, and it accepts no liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the content of this site or any third-party sites accessed via this site.


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Privacy policy

BY REGISTERING FOR OR USING THE SITE, YOU SIGNIFY YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS PRIVACY STATEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THIS PRIVACY STATEMENT, YOU CANNOT USE THE SITE. Sun Hung Kai Properties and Long Global Investment(Chengdu) Limited operates a website at icdmall.com (“Site”). We respect the privacy of each user of the Site (referred to as "you" or "a user"), whether you are just beginning your real estate search or have previously visited our Site. This Privacy Statement gives you specific information about how we protect your privacy, how we treat information we collect on the Site that identifies an individual user ("Personal Information").

Our group safeguard all information provided by our Customers and web site Users ("Users"). We do not collect any personally identifiable information from Users during their browsing of our websites. When Users visit our websites we record their visit only as a 'hit' and do no t collect any Personal Data from them. We will however make a record of their visit that shows only the Domain Name Server address, part of their e-mail address, and of the pages visited. We use such information only for preparing general statistics on the usage of our web sites.

If Personal Data are collected in the process of making enquires or submitting applications for services provided by different operations within our Group, Users will be informed via the respective [Personal Information Collection Statements] of our websites of such purposes and uses, including the extent of their transfer and disclosure; and the right of access to and correction of the collected Personal Data.

Once we have obtained User's Personal Data, it will be maintained securely in our system. We shall retain Users' Personal Data for so long as he or she is a registered user of our websites. Only the authorized staff, who have been properly trained, will be permitted access to such Personal Data, and we shall not release such Personal Data to any external parties except those parties set out in our [Personal Information Collection Statements] without User's agreement. We shall make our best endeavors to ensure that the privacy of Users is properly protected. However, given the nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee that there is "perfect security".

In order to provide users with more information and services, we use third party content providers and service providers, and provide links to other websites. These third parties may collect Users' Personal Data when users make use of their services. These third parties adhere to their own privacy policies and practices and our Privacy Policy Statement does not cover such third party practices.

Should Users have any queries about our privacy policy and practice, please write via e-mail to us. We will feedback you soon. This Privacy Statement applies to the Site Personal Information Collection Statements


At the time of subscription and at other times when using this website, you may be asked to provide us with personally identifiable information, such as your name and e-mail address. It is necessary for us to collect your information for providing you the various services and activities offered on this website. You are not obliged to supply the data here but if you fail to provide the information requested, we will not be able to provide you the services and activities available on this website


Even if you do not send us any Personal Information, we will collect information regarding how you use our site (referred to as "Non-Personal Information"). Non-Personal Information cannot be used to identify you personally and will be explained in more details below under "Non-Personal Information".


A cookie is a data file, usually including an anonymous unique identifier, which is sent from a web site's computer and stored on your computer's hard drive. Use of cookies is common on the Internet. A web site can send its own cookie to your browser if your browser's preferences allow it, but (to protect your privacy) your browser permits a web site to access only the cookies it has already sent to you, not the cookies sent to you by other sites. You can configure your browser to accept all cookies or reject all cookies, or notify you when a cookie is sent to you. (Each browser is different, so check the "Help" menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences.) You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or indicate when a cookie is sent to you. But if you refuse cookies, some parts of the Site will not function properly and may not provide services or information you have requested.


Similarly to many other sites, we obtain Non-Personal Information such as IP (internet protocol) addresses, browser types, the name of your ISP (internet service provider), information about where a user comes from before arriving at our Site, what pages a user visits, the order of those pages, and the amount of time spent on each. A vendor performs this service for us by sending a cookie to gather this information, compile it, and report to us. We use Non-Personal Information to customize the content you see, improve our services, conduct research, and provide anonymous aggregated reporting for internal audits and third-parties.


The information we collected will be used for the following purposes:

1. to monitor use of this website and to help its further development;

2. to compile aggregate statistics about our users and to analyze site usage;

3. to collect data for identity verification and records and to maintain contact lists for correspondence;

4. to operate internal control, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems and enforce our terms of use;

5. to deliver information to you that we believe you may have interest in, such as targeted banners, new services and products and other promotions and marketing materials;

6. to contact you regarding administrative notices and communications relevant to your use of this website and to respond to your request. We may also use your information to match user information with third party data (i.e. to compare two sets of personal data collected for different purposes). By subscribing to this website or by logging-in, you consent to carry out this matching procedure when we deem it is necessary in order to provide our services.

In addition, we will also use your information in the following manner:

1. We will share much of our data, including your information, with our business partners, subsidiaries and associated companies.

2. In order to provide you with more information and services, we have arranged content providers and service providers to provide information and services. It may be necessary for us to share your information with these content providers and service providers. If we add new features or services that might require the sharing of your personal information with an additional advertiser or sponsor, we will provide you with notice and the opportunity to opt-out to receive these offers.


Your information will not generally be disclosed or transferred to any other party in a form that would identify you except in the following circumstances:

1. If we use third party suppliers or service providers to facilitate our services, we will have to provide your information to these suppliers or service providers offering such services where you choose to use these services.

2. We may disclose or access account information when we believe in good faith that the law requires it.

3. We may also disclose or access account information for administrative and other purposes that we deem necessary to maintain, service, and improve our services. In addition, your information will be accessed by, disclosed or transferred to our business partners, any person or bodies corporate or division within Our Group. As the parties mentioned above may have places of business outside China mainland, your information may be transferred out of China mainland. By subscribing to our website or by logging-in, you agree to us transferring your information to these parties outside China mainland. These parties adhere to their own privacy customs and policies and we have no control over their use of your information. Therefore, we are not liable to their use of your information.

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